VEX VRC and IQ Game Reveal

VEX and RECF recently unveiled the 2024-2025 VEX VRC and VEX IQ games. You can find more information about each game below.
VEX VRC – High Stakes – 2024-2025 Game
The Game:
VEX V5 Robotics Competition High Stakes is played on a 12’ x 12’ square field configured as seen above. Two (2) Alliances – one (1) “red” and one (1) “blue” – composed of two (2) Teams each, compete in matches consisting of a fifteen (15) second Autonomous Period, followed by a one minute and forty-five second (1:45) Driver Controlled Period.
The object of the game is to attain a higher score than the opposing Alliance by Scoring Rings on Stakes, Placing Mobile Goals, and by Climbing at the end of the Match.
The Details:
There are forty-eight (48) Rings on a V5RC High Stakes Field.
There are nine (9) Stakes located around the field. Five (5) on Mobile Goals, four (4) Wall Stakes, one (1) per Alliance and two (2) neutral, and one (1) on top of the Ladder.
Each Ring scored on a Stake is worth one (1) point. The Top Ring on each Stake is
worth three (3) points.
Mobile Goals can be Placed into Positive Corners or Negative Corners to change the values of the Rings on that Goal.
The V5RC High Stakes field also includes a Ladder in the center of the field. Robots climb the Ladder at the end of the Match to receive additional points. The higher the Robot climbs, the more points it will receive!
The Alliance that scores more points in the Autonomous period is awarded with six (6) bonus points, added to the final score at the end of the match. Each Alliance also has the opportunity to earn an Autonomous Win Point by completing assigned tasks. This additional Win Point can be earned by both Alliances, regardless of who wins the Autonomous Bonus
Autonomous Bonus | 6 Points |
Each Ring Scored on a Stake | 1 Point |
Each Top Ring on a Stake | 3 Points |
Climb – Level 1 | 3 Points |
Cllmb – Level 2 | 6 Points |
Climb – Level 3 | 12 Points |
Each Ring Scored on a Mobile Goal that has been Placed in a Corner | See the Game Manual! |
+ View the VEX VRC Competition Overview Page
+ View the Robotics Education Competition Foundation Webpage
VEX IQ – Rapid Relay – 2024-2025 Game
The Game:
VEX IQ Robotics Competition Rapid Relay is played on a 6’ x 8’ rectangular field configured as seen above. Two robots compete in the Teamwork Challenge as an alliance in 60 second long teamwork matches, working collaboratively to score points.
Teams also compete in the Robot Skills Challenge where one robot takes the field to score as many points as possible. These matches consist of Driving Skills Matches, which will be entirely driver controlled, and Autonomous Coding Skills Matches, which will be autonomous with limited human interaction.
The Details:
The scoring objects in VEX IQ Robotics Competition Rapid Relay are padded Balls, approximately 6″ in diameter.
The primary objectives of the game are to Pass the Balls between Robots, score Balls through Targets, and Clear Switches. Balls are introduced to the field through the Loading Station or, during the last 15 seconds of a Match, aRapid Load Zone.
Points are awarded based on how many Goals are Scored, how many Switches have been Cleared, and how many times the Alliance successfully Passed the Ball before scoring it.
Each Goal Scored | 1 Point |
Each Cleared Switch | 1 Point |
Each Pass – 0 Cleared Switches | 1 Point* |
Each Pass – 1 Cleared Switch | 4 Points |
Each Pass – 2 Cleared Switches | 8 Points |
Each Pass – 3 Cleared Switches | 10 Points |
Each Pass – 4 Cleared Switches | 12 Points |
+ View the VEX IQ Competition Overview Page
+ View the Robotics Education Competition Foundation Webpage