NASA FRC Sponsorship

NASA’s Robotics Alliance Project (RAP) is dedicated to increasing interest in engineering, technology, science, and mathematics disciplines among youth in the United States. RAP Strongly feels that one of the best methods of stimulating and inspiring the next generation of professionals is completed through robotic competitions. One way RAP supports this effort is by sponsoring FIRST Robotics Competition teams across the United States.
These NASA RAP Grants, are available on a nearly annual basis with applications opening during the month of September and the award announcement in the November time frame. Final Grant awards are contingent on the availability of congressional funding and are not guaranteed each year. The grants are only available to the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) program level. Grants are non-transferrable and if the team declines it, NASA RAP will select the next team available.
Please see the latest posts on the website for the most up to date information available.