FIRST Robotics Competition Grant Awards

The highly anticipated moment that all FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) teams that submitted an application for a NASA FRC grant, has finally arrived! NASA’s award selection is listed in the following link. If your FRC team submitted an application for a NASA FRC registration grant, please review the awards list to verify your award status. For those teams that were awarded a registration grant please ensure you complete the requirements for the grant.
2019 NASA Robotics Alliance Project, FIRST Robotics Competition Registration Grant NASA’s Robotics Alliance Project is pleased to announce the FIRST Robotics Competition registration grant for 2019 competition season. Receipt of a NASA Robotics Alliance Project registration grant is contingent upon a team being registered with FIRST and confirmed at the specific event for which the grant applies. Sustaining grants and Program Growth Grants may be used for any regional competition event, but they are not transferable to other teams. Regional Challenge Grants must be applied to the specific competition to which they are attached. Likewise, Regional Challenge Grants are not transferable to other teams. As indicated in the grant application, awarded funds will not be sent directly from NASA to the winning teams. The awarded funds will be transferred to FIRST on behalf of the awarded team, and used to fund the registration fees for the associated regional competition event. For “Rookie” grant awards, $6,000 will be applied toward FRC registration fees for the team. For “2nd-year” and “Veteran” grant awards, $5,000 will be applied toward FRC registration fees for the team. Remember, teams accepting NASA robotics competition grants are agreeing to the following critical items:Submit educational institution sponsor letter to This letter must come from the educational entity endorsing the team’s desire to apply for funding, confirming the educational sponsor’s commitment to the team and agreeing to the conditions of the registration grant.Educational institutional letters are due by Saturday, December 15, 2018 18:00:00 PST. Teams that fail to meet this requirement are at risk of forfeiting their registration grant.Complete BOTH the NASA FRC entrance survey and exit survey for all team members. The entrance surveys must be completed by Saturday, January 5, 2019. Provide NASA with a copy of the team’s Chairman’s Award Submission or an equivalent document. Build a robot and compete at the awarded event. Please direct any questions to: |