Botball Robotics

The Botball® Educational Robotics Program engages middle and high school aged students in a team-oriented robotics competition, and serves as a perfect way to meet today’s new common core standards.
By exposing students to an inquiry-based, learn-by-doing activity that appeals to their hearts as well as their minds, Botball® addresses our nation’s need for a well-prepared, creative, yet disciplined workforce with leadership and teamwork experience.
In January, February, and March, the Botball® Educator Workshops provide team leaders and mentors with technology training and introduce the details of that year’s game. Then, after a build period of about 7 weeks, students bring their robots to their regional tournament to compete against other students in the current season’s game challenge.
Students use science, engineering, technology, math, and writing skills to design, build, program, and document robots in a hands-on project that reinforces their learning.
NASA’s Robotics Alliance Project has supported Botball in a number of ways, including providing local logistical support, hosting tutorials and tournaments, webcasting events, and funding enhanced curriculum website development.
+ Visit the Botball Education Robotics website
+ Visit the Junior Botball Challenge website
+ Visit the Global Conference on Educational Robotics website
+ Visit the Botball® Team Scholarship Application information