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Submit - a - Lesson

Take some time to see what other educators are up to in robotics or submit lessons of your own for publication on this site!

Submit lessons to:

-- cbowman@mail.arc.nasa.gov

Elementary/Middle School:

"new!" Classroom Robotics on the Web: Lessons, materials, and rubrics developed in Kathleen Crowe's Texas classroom using RoboLab.

Set of 11 activites about Mars, rovers, and planetary exploration by Rosemary Shaw of Millenium Middle School.

High School:

"new!" Robotic Autonomy Activities, by Dave Lavery at NASA Headquarters

-- 6-9 week High School Robotics curriculum, by Doug Bertain of Palo Alto High School.

Curator: Cassie Bowman Small rover NASA Official: Mark León

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Last updated 11/13/02

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