
Resource Links

"new!" Online robotics links: http://chinese-school.netfirms.com/robot-resources.html

Robotic exhibits available at http://www.mrisar.com/

Robot Haven: http://robothaven.net/

A site about building hobby and competition robots: http://www.freewebs.com/j5group/

Learn about the Karakuri Ningyo tradition and the idea of "co-existence with robots": http://www.karakuri.info/

Learn About Robots includes nformation on research, commercial and military robot applications: http://www.learnaboutrobots.com/.

-- Gears Educational Systems: http://www.gearseds.com

-- BugBrain programmable walking robot kits by Yost Engineering, Inc: http://www.YostEngineering.com/Hardware/BugBrain/BugBrain.html

-- Foveola Machine Vision: http://www.foveola.com/

-- Abe Howell's Robotics offers low-cost robot kits to teachers, students, or anyone interested in robotics: http://www.abotics.com

-- Active Robots robot kits, controllers and accessories: http://www.active-robots.com/

-- ITtoolbox Emerging Technologies Knowledge Base: http://emergingtech.ittoolbox.com/

-- The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry Robotics Competition page: http://www.omsi.edu/visit/hightech/robotics/robot00/resources.html

-- Robotic links: http://www.robotbooks.com/general-robotics-links.htm

-- PCS Edventures! (http://www.edventures.com/index2.html) provides robotics learning labs to schools and individuals.

-- Hemisson (http://www.hemisson.com/English/index.html) provides an educational robotics platform.

-- Tech Geek.com, http://www.techgeek.com, is building a robotics community with links to projects, reviews, clubs and "how to".

-- RoboFolio.com, http://www.robofolio.com, works to make robotics accessible to hobbyists. They also cover Botball and have a big page of links.

-- Robots, Inc., http://www.robohub.com/robots/, offers courses in robotics for students ages 8-18 in Wayne, PA.

-- Robodyssey, http://www.robodyssey.com/, provides robust and versatile robotics platforms for educators, hobbyists, and professionals.

-- Ever wondered who holds the records in robotics? Record-Book.com is trying to find out: http://www.record-book.com/

-- Allstar: http://www.allstar.fiu.edu

-- APEX/Athena: http://athena.cornell.edu

-- Aviation Academy: http://www.mecca.org/~tschieff/AVIATION/ACADEMY/

-- Center for Educational Resources (CERES) Project: http://btc.montana.edu/ceres

-- Center for Mars Exploration (CMEX): http://cmex-www.arc.nasa.gov

-- Exploring the Environment: http://www.cotf.edu/ete

-- Mars Academy: http://www.marsacademy.com

-- Mars Team Online: http://quest.arc.nasa.gov/mars

-- NASA CORE: http://core.nasa.gov

-- NASA Internet Resources for Educators: http://education.nasa.gov/internet.html

-- Cybot.com with projects, books, forums: http://www.cybotbuilder.com/

-- RobotsLife.com, a new robot resource site: http://www.robotslife.com/

-- Robots.net, robotics resource: http://www.robots.net/

-- Robotics news and information web site: http://robot-news.com/

-- Suggestions for starting a high school robotics club: http://www.LoganBot.com

-- MLCAD Tutorial: http://www.hpfsc.de/mlcd_tut/tut_eng.html

-- Robotics Education Links: http://www.occdsb.on.ca/~proj4632/robotlinks.htm

-- PBS Features "Robotics": http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/robots/

-- Robot Science and Technology: http://www.robotmag.com/

-- Metalworking Web Sites: http://ranier.hq.nasa.gov/metal/metalsites.html

-- GoRobotics.net: http://www.gorobotics.net/

-- KISS Institute for Practical Robotics: http://www.kipr.org/

-- Walking Machine robot catalog

-- Robotics Online: http://www.robotics.org/ (click on "New to Robotics?")

-- Robot Books: http://www.robotbooks.com

-- AI in Mindstorms RIS: http://hk.geocities.com/hayatokazami0/ai_in_mindstorms/ai_in_mindstorms.htm

-- Links to Robotics Clubs & Organizations, Electronics Sensors, Mechanical Components Suppliers, Cad/Cam/Pcb Design Software, Magazines, Journals & Tips: http://home.cfl.rr.com/eaa/RoboticsLabs.htm

-- San Francisco Robotic Society of America's Project Page: http://www.robots.org/projects.htm

-- Viva Robotics: http://www.vivarobotics.com/research.html

-- Robot Projects: http://www.robotprojects.com/

-- Robot Cafe: http://www.robotcafe.com

-- A list of robotics clubs: http://www.rec.ri.cmu.edu/education/Robotics%20Clubs.shtml

-- Robotics FAQ: http://www.frc.ri.cmu.edu/robotics-faq/


Curator: Cassie Bowman Small rover NASA Official: Mark León

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Last updated 03/15/05

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