
Building Communities on Mars and Earth -

Chat Session Notes and Instructions:

1) You will see the large gray box that you will use to "enter the chatroom."

In the white textbox that states "Enter a User Name", type in the login with which you will represent yourself in the chatroom.

2) Press the "Connect" button.

3) You should now see the chatroom. On the left side are the names of other students that have joined. On the right you will see the chatroom question activity.

Below this, in the textbox that says, "Type here," you will submit your questions and comments.

5) After typing in your question, press the "Ask" button.

Please note that you will not see your questions appear immediately (as in Instant Messenger). Your question is being forwarded to a speaker that will answer it. You will see your question and your answer shortly. Please be patient, and feel free to submit more questions at any time.

6) Have fun and ask some great questions!