"Educators" button bar

Grades 6-8

"new!" C-Based Programming Educator from the National Robotics Engineering Consortium

Robotics classroom activities, articles, and interviews at Imagiverse

Follow robotic explorations of the world's oceans at Dive and Discover

Interactive learning about spacebots at NASA's Distance Learning Outpost

Standards-aligned engineering activities for grades Pre-K - 12.

Comprehensive robotics curriculum from CMU.

Introducation to "Lego Robotics - Successful Strategies"

Check out our Educational Robotics Matrix for information on activities, competitions, and internships by grade level!

-- Learn about Lego robotics in "Robotics Learning" workshops in Northern California.

--"Build Your Own Mars Rover" activities from Rosemary Shaw at Millenium Middle School.

-- Try this Shuttle Off to Space lesson for middle school students!

-- Get some information and inspiration from the robotics program at a school in Luxembourg.

-- Botball Characteristics and Measurement document and slide set!

-- The Educational Robotics Cyber Laboratory is a constantly evolving curriculum site for those who are interested in investigating real-world problems in educational robotics: http://www.kipr.org/ curriculum/curriculum_intro.html

--Step-by-step introduction to classroom robotics

--Check out LEGO Robot Tips

--Get ROBOLab Info

--Try this Edventures LEGO Robotics activity.

--Design a Mars Spacecraft--background information and activity.

--Learn how to take pictures from a kite.

--Get involved with the NASA Student Involvement Program

--Think about involving your class in a robotics competition like FIRST Lego League or Botball.

--Back online! Robotics Kits for the Educator and Parent.

--New Mars resources for teachers.

--All sorts of information about using LEGO Mindstorms.

--NASA Humans and Robots activity: Making and Using an ISS End Effector.

--Tufts University's LEGO curriculum site.

--Science and Engineering NASA Site of Remote Sensing (SENSORS)

--NASA's ROVer Ranch: K-12 experiments in robotic software.

--Curriculum enhancement and resources from NASA Spacelink.


--Jet Propulsion Lab's Curriculum Support for K-12 Teachers.

--Lesson plans for LEGO-based activities from the Tufts University Center for Engineering Educational Outreach. http://www.ceeo.tufts.e du/graphics/k12curric.html

--Activities from the Tech Museum of Innovation's Robotics exhibit: http://www.thetech. org/robotics/activities/index.html

-- CMU Robotics Institute education information for teachers


Curator: Cassie Bowman Small rover NASA Official: Mark León

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Last updated 11/03/03

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